Health and Safety Policy

Protecting our Planet, our People, our customers and our contractors, subcontractors and their employees is of paramount importance. Noontide believes that leading environmental, health and safety performance contributes to our competitive strength and benefits our customers, shareholders and employees as well as the environment.

The safety of our workforce and the protection of our environment are of primary importance to Noontide. We are committed to: providing a safe and healthy working environment as a prerequisite to our operations; continuous improvement in minimizing our environmental impacts, preventing pollution and limiting depletion of natural resources; and the on-going reduction of risks at our operating sites.

Noontide will comply with applicable environmental, health and safety laws, directives, regulations and other requirements as a baseline for doing business, not as a goal. We believe compliance is a shared responsibility, and we will include compliance sustainability as a routine part of operations, monitor such compliance through our real time reporting system and accumulative database, standard job descriptions with built in reporting requirements regular self-assessments and audits of our operations. We will take corrective actions as warranted.

We will periodically identify those aspects of our operations on a local level which have the most significant environmental, health and safety impact, and establish objectives and targets for continuous improvement in these areas. In particular, we will work to advance the following aspects within our operations:

  • Considering sustainability in the development and adoption of site operations and practices
  • Minimizing the generation of solid and hazardous waste, and recycling wastes where feasible
  • Optimizing energy and resource use with a goal of reducing green house gas emissions
  • Communicating each direct or indirect employee’s ownership of ensuring safe practices and conditions • Reducing workplace injuries and incidents
  • Reducing ergonomic and manual handling risks in the workplace
  • Reducing physical and natural disaster risks Environmental, health and safety targets and objectives will be set by senior management, communicated to employees, measured and tracked on a regular basis, and revised as needed to reflect current conditions.

In order to facilitate this, Noontide will require appropriate training and resources for direct and indirect employees to use responsible environmental, health and safety practices. We require our employees and vendors to make sound environmental, health and safety management an integral part of their job. Management will demonstrate environmental, health and safety leadership and help build a culture across the company where all employees embrace this policy and these guiding principles as their responsibility.

– Michael O’Brien | President

Workplace Violence Policy

The management of Noontide Service Corporation is committed to the prevention of workplace violence and is ultimately responsible for worker health and safety. We will take whatever steps are reasonable to protect our workers from workplace violence from all sources.

Violent behaviour in the workplace is unacceptable from anyone. This policy applies to every Noontide Manager and employee, Suppliers, Contractors, Subcontractors, their employees. Everyone is expected to uphold this policy and to work together to prevent workplace violence.

There is a workplace violence program that implements this policy. It includes measures and procedures to protect workers from workplace violence, a means of summoning immediate assistance and a process for workers to report incidents, or raise concerns.

Noontide Service Corporation, as the constructor and as an employer, will ensure this policy and the supporting program are implemented and maintained. All workers and supervisors will receive appropriate information and instruction on the contents of the policy and program.

Noontide Manager and employee, Suppliers, Contractors, Subcontractors, their employees will adhere to this policy and the supporting program. Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that measures and procedures are followed by workers and that workers have the information they need to protect themselves.

Every Noontide Manager and employee, Suppliers, Contractors, Subcontractors, their employees must work in compliance with this policy and the supporting program. All workers are encouraged to raise any concerns about workplace violence and to report any violent incidents or threats. All concerns should be address to

Noontide Service Corporation Management pledges to investigate and deal with all incidents and complaints of workplace violence in a fair and timely manner, respecting the privacy of all concerned as much as possible.

– Michael O’Brien | President

Workplace Harassment Policy

Noontide Service Corporation is committed to providing a work environment in which all workers are treated with respect and dignity. Workplace harassment will not be tolerated from any person in the workplace.

Workplace harassment means engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a worker in a workplace that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome or workplace sexual harassment. Workplace sexual harassment means:

  1. engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a worker in a workplace because of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, where the course of comment or conduct is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome, or
  2. making a sexual solicitation or advance where the person making the solicitation or advance is in a position to confer, grant or deny a benefit or advancement to the worker and the person knows or ought reasonably to know that the solicitation or advance is unwelcome;

Reasonable action taken by the employer or supervisor relating to the management and direction of workers or the workplace is not workplace harassment.

Workers are encouraged to report any incidents of workplace harassment to the EHS Coordinator.

Management will investigate and deal with all complaints or incidents of workplace harassment in a fair, respectful and timely manner. Information provided about an incident or about a complaint will not be disclosed except as necessary to protect workers, to investigate the complaint or incident, to take corrective action or as otherwise required by law.

Managers, supervisors and workers are expected to adhere to this policy, and will be held responsible by the employer for not following it. Workers are not to be penalized or disciplined for reporting an incident or for participating in an investigation involving workplace harassment.

If a worker needs further assistance, he or she may contact Richard Sills 1-800-526-1833.

– Michael O’Brien | President